Originally Posted by mithawk

Thanks for re-posting that clip, as it made me interested enough to read the article.

There are a few potential discussion topics about the article, but one of them is "What is the main point of college?" Is it to "broaden your mind" as some would suggest, or is instead for career preparation.

I believe that the primary purpose of college is career preparation, as there are far cheaper and potentially more interesting ways to "broaden your mind". And given this belief, I think that the professor is about as wrong as he can be.

Depends on you and the college...if it's for career prep, why not a Votech program? they are generally more concentrated and focused on the actual job skills. I went to an excellent one that has a great reputation locally. I also went to the local community college, which was far more "mind broadening" than worthwhile as far as preparing me for a career...unless you mean preparing by being exposed to lots of different people and different ways of doing things...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...