Originally Posted by Beckee
I have been discussing this on facebook with people from a few different fields. A couple of folks who actually hire people (a function I have successfully avoided for all the decades of my own working life) tell me that they routinely pass on candidates they feel would not be challenged by the position. One wrote, "It is true that I don't want to hire someone who is likely to jump ship after 6 months because they're too bored or are just looking for better pay. I want to hire someone who will feel challenged and satisfied with the job."

This is why I keep my technical degrees (other than one) off my resume as well as my patents or other achievements.

HR departments see people as liabilities and not as assets. Thus they look for negatives in the person's record. Many a good firm has been ruined by this approach.

As someone who does hire, I look for the smartest person I can find with the best verbal reasoning skills.