I am not gifted. I live with children and a spouse who are all gifted.

I cannot tell you how eye-opening this article was for me. I have spent a good deal of the past two and a half decades often being on the receiving end of a spouse or children who were frustrated and even at times disdainful that I couldn't grasp something as quickly as they did. All too often, I've heard from my spouse, "Come on. It's not that hard. I know you can do better than that."

I have always blamed it on a sense of superiority, but it was a real revelation that, in fact, it has likely stemmed from the belief that he was normal, so I ought to be able to be "normal", too.

With our children, we shared with them the results of their IQ tests, and I've had many a conversation with them over the years about being patient with others, finding ways to connect with peers, and that their IQ was only one part of who they were, not the defining characteristic that meant they had to do better, be better, or be judged on their capabilities for all things. I tried to make sure they knew they were loved and accepted.

Thanks for sharing!