Our Mr W is 3 and his recent assessment qualifies him for DYS. His achievement tests from this summer show he is in the 90th percentile for 2d grade.
Currently he is in PreK with 4/5 year olds. He has adjusted great. He has started acting up a bit after 5 mos - and he told us last week he wanted to be in the K class. We are now looking at a skip to K after Christmas. So we are going to take the 2+ plunge.
Mr W is VERY social. He has regular play dates with kids who are from 2-6 years older and fits in. The biggest problem HE has with older kids is getting them to accept him. But once he gets in, he is in.
The problem about age differences is in OUR heads, not his. He sees that school is boring much of the time and he is miserable. He does see that older kids are INTERESTING.
The problem WE and others face is realizing that he learns VERY fast. Right now he is covering 9 mos of normal in 2 mos or so. His reading and math has just exploded and he is also reading simple sheet music on sight. Just when we think we are going fine, we need another adjustment.
I re-read Ruf's book last night. She says quite clearly that under no circumstances are PG kids to be put in with age peers in a normal classroom. And that they can cover all of elementary in just one year. She says to keep trying even if it means homeschooling. She says that leaving the kids in with their age peers IS a decision, too.
FWIW, I was skipped from 7th to 10th for a year. But that is OT.