That upside of you getting your ducks aligned at this early date is that you have time to get to those multigrade accels in a gradual manner. I would encourage you to start with a full grade first and see how that goes. Even if the academics aren't there just being in a new environment will occupy him for a month or two. Then keep observing your child and add subjects and fulls one step at a time.
My son (DYS with undiagnosed ADD) was offered a double subject accel (one grade agewise but into honors Math that was already a grade ahead) on top of his skip into 6th during his first month of 5th at a new school. The full skip worked very well but the math was too much. DS was uncomfortable in reversing the Math Acc for a day or two but it was very worth it. Moral of the story: Flexabiltiy Rules. These kids require a certain amount of Trial and error. And,at least at our house, that is ok.