FWIW my ds (11) has similar discrepancies between processing speed and VIQ/PRI on the WISC, and he doesn't have ADHD, although he has some overlapping symptoms (organizational challenges primarily). His diagnoses are dysgraphia, expressive language disorder and developmental coordination disorder. When he was first diagnosed at 8, his neuropsych felt he might have mild ADHD but after we accommodated etc for the other challenges his behaviors that appeared to be ADHD related disappeared.

You've got enough testing to show that there's the potential for a challenge, but not the full breadth of testing you will get from a full neuropsych eval; a neuropsychologist will perform additional tests to determine why processing speed and working memory are lower than the other ability scores and that's info that will be invaluable in helping your dd.

FWIW, our ds' WM score went up significantly from the time he was first tested in 2nd grade to when he was tested again prior to middle school - it's now up close to his VIQ/PRI (processing speed is still relatively low). I don't know why, but I have vague memories of things I've read about indicating that WM is one area where you can improve if you work at it. Don't ask me how - I'm clueless! But it's something perhaps to be encouraged by?

Best wishes,


ps - can you tell us a little bit about why your dd was tested for ADHD? Was it due to challenges at school, at home, what type of challenges etc. We might be able to brainstorm some accommodations that would be helpful to request at school if you can give us a bit more info.

Last edited by polarbear; 11/20/11 03:13 PM.