Any have a good recommendation for a beginners pottery wheel that actually works?
No, but, my 2 cents...I sew, ALOT, and have several machines. I got DD a "toy" one (that really sews, but with a crummy chain stitch) when she was just 3 (the box said like 6+ probably)...she used it quite a bit, but it was pretty unsatisfying. After a few turns with one of mine, I was able to get her a Hello Kitty model (but NOT a toy, just a cute paint job) that is a 3/4 size. I got a super deal on it too, but would have spent the money anyway since she is far more satified with it, you know? In retrospect, I wish I would have skipped the "toy" one andgone straight to the real maybe you can do the same? Is it a size issue? or price? Craigslist, freecycle or if you maybe have a college or other kind of arty school that might be getting rid of some? I seem to remember that my dad MADE my mom the kind you kick yourself, if that's maybe an option? I just googled it, lots of options