Thanks for the comments smile. My husband and I found it a little odd, but support him bringing the math book to bed. We regard math as 'work' and don't find it relaxing at all so the thought of bringing a math book to bed is not even remotely on our radar screen. And although my brother is quite bright (probably hg/eg) and did very well in math and sailed through it (much better than me or my sister), he never brought a math book to bed either.

I guess my eg/pg son has a level of comfort and intimacy with math that we never had or ever will!! I was a bit struck with it because he hasn't been doing any math at home either as homework or on his own accord for about 6 months or more and then all of a sudden it seems he's bringing a math book to bed.

I haven't tried the Life of Fred books yet. We've got the Math to Know, Math on Hand, and Math on Call from a yard sale but no idea how these compare. My pg son started to multiply visually about 6 months ago at school on day, but since then he hasn't done any math at home. I've looked at Greg Tang books, but they didn't peak my son's interest, even though he's a very visual learner.