Whether you go with the testing you have and a portfolio or pursue IQ testing probably would depend on what her achievement and CogAT testing looks like.

For instance, I might try applying with a portfolio if the ITBS along with the CogAT was at the 99th percentile for everything especially if either or both was given above level (i.e. - they gave her the 3rd grade ITBS in 2nd grade).

If they were both given at the proper grade level and she didn't hit the 99th on everything, I would probably try to get supporting IQ scores personally.

I say this because I have one highly gifted daughter who is not DYS qualified and she had some pretty impressive scores on things like the ITBS at that age and a bit older. She took the 3rd grade ITBS in 3rd grade and came out in the 99th percentile on the entire thing except math (science total, social studies total, reading total, core total, composite, etc.). She was in the 90s for math, but not the upper 90s. She's never taken the CogAT, so I have no idea how she would have done on that.

Very high scores on grade level tests don't necessarily mean profoundly gifted. For my kiddo they did mean highly gifted, but not so much so that she is DYS eligible.