Originally Posted by Nautigal
I'm still struggling with my own homework dilemma with DS9. He doesn't have much in the way of homework to begin with, because he does it all in class, but when he does have it, he can't be bothered with doing it -- or after doing it, he can't be bothered to remember to turn it in. He brought home a "U" --unsatisfactory -- grade for Home Reading and Homework on this first quarter report card. The only homework he really has regularly is the Home Reading one, where he is supposed to write a little something about things he's reading -- ask a question about it, make a prediction about what might happen next, silly things like that. He turned in one or two out of nine for the quarter. At some point in the quarter, he announced that he had figured out that if he did only the odd-numbered ones, he would get a P on his report card, but he didn't actually even do that.

So my dilemma is, should I ride his butt about homework and make him do it, on the assumption that remembering things like this is a part of his Asperger's and he needs help with it, or should I let him do whatever he chooses and take the report card consequences, on the assumption that he needs to learn to remember things? I haven't made up my mind so far. I should add that I get home from work at 6:30, so it's already dinner time and then bath time and bedtime, and the homework should have already been taken care of but is something that apparently DH can't be bothered with remembering either.

I am sure that there are different opinions on this, but I definitely would push the homework if it is something doable...and it doesn't sound like he has all that much. He's going to have to learn to work on homework to pass in the future. In our house, you get a snack and can't do anything else until homework is done. It's not an issue for DS7 but it may be in the future and it's important to get the routine down. If he wants to spend forever doing it, it's just less time for other things. He does get distracted some and has a 4yo sister who can distract him....but other times she asks for homework and does homework next to him. I wouldn't get onto your son for not doing it...just don't let him do other stuff until it's done. For us the 30 minutes he gets on the Wii would be a big motivator. But when you mention the situation with DH that makes it really hard. 7pm homework time is not very fun. I would just ask DH to make sure he checks his homework before he gets to do any privileges. Maybe he will be on board for that....Hopefully! Good luck!