Originally Posted by Deonne
This week was his parent teacher conference. He is working well above grade level in all subjects � even writing.
Great answers to tough questions!
This part I found curious - is he working above what 'grade level' - grade level for his school? grade level for a non-gifted school? grade level for kids of his age?

If it means that he's working well above the level of his classmates, that can be part of the reason why he doesn't seem to 'need' medication. Which isn't to say that he needs more from school or more afterschool, but it just seems familiar to me. As long as my DS wasn't working near the upper reaches of his ability level, his ADHD-I was mostly an irritant to others and to his self esteem, not an academic handicap. It was only when he got old enough that the organizational demands were quite beyond him and the material finally started getting into his readiness level(8th grade with a single skip) that we started the medication. Part of me wishes we had done it sooner, because he got some longstanding impressions of his 'wrongness' that I think would have been avoided. On the other hand, things are wonderful now, he's blossoming in so many ways, so who am I to play the 'if only' game? Still we pay a high price to keep him at his school, economically and not getting to see him daily.

I'll let you borrow my crystal ball as soon as it arrives!

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