Grinity, I am intrigued that your son outgrew his visual processing issues. Would you say there are any concerns remaining? I ask because I have been very concerned about my DS8 in this regard. I have long been concerned that his reading ability level was significantly below his comprehension/interest level and like the pp I "solved" this by reading to him, which we both enjoy. I looked into vision therapy but our insurance doesn't cover it and it is insanely expensive and still a bit controversial.
However, in the last month or so he has started tackling much harder books on his own without my prompting. He is in OT and I asked the therapist to do what she could with the visual processing, but it never occurred to me that he might outgrow it. That is incredibly encouraging! I have been feeling really guilty about not being able to provide the vision therapy.

And BTW, I can totally relate to the "outer-directed" perfectionism as well. Sigh. smile