Hi Marisa,

I read just the other day (and I wish I could think where so I could link to it for you) that Lexile stops being very useful as a measure once it hits those mid 1000s (just because by that point they're basically reading at an adult level). I don 't know anything about RIT so unfortunately I can't comment on that.

My daughter is only 5 so I don't know the books you mentioned, but I guess if he is not concerned by them, but you are a little, perhaps you could just have a chat with him about the violence in it and its appropriateness in the context of the book vs the real world? I tend to think your gut instinct is a pretty good measure in these kinds of situations so if you're more than just a little concerned maybe suggest he put them aside for now? I feel your pain - finding appropriate books to match both dd's reading level, and yet also what she can cope with emotionally, is an endless struggle in our house.

No doubt someone more knowledgeable in these areas will come along shortly!

Last edited by Giftodd; 10/26/11 12:13 PM.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke