SPG - great advice, thank you. Your other post re: MAP was really helpful too. I think you have hit the nail on the head - we have our WISC, we will have some MAP data (he is doing reading today). The missing link is how the other kids in the school are doing. Generally, the school population is pretty smart. Basically, almost all-professional small suburb of major city. For grade acceleration, they look to 145+ on CogAT as a benchmark. They do a number of other in-class accomodations. The issue with us is looking like pace. Just from when I posted above, he has gone from "Garfield" to "Holes." So, to make a long story short, I feel like we are in a good place right now, but I want to keep the pace moving along! But I don't want to be pushy, crazy mom - or do I? ; )