For the strong emotions, I like the book, "Transforming the Difficult Child Workbook" by Lisa Bravo - this is also referred to as the Nurtured Heart Approach.

After you've understood the Intensities, and managed the environment as well as possible, the next step is to fortify the child, so that they can take their new inner strength out into the world. That's what I value about 'Transforming.'

I'm glad you found a great teacher - that makes all the difference. Truth be told I think a lot of us use the 'oh, he really needs a gradeskip' as a diplomatic way of 'moving on' during those years when the teacher just focuses on the negatives about a kid, and can't even see the positives. Hopefully since your school system already has acknowledged that he has special needs they won't place him with a bad match.

Best Wishes,

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