We decided not to skip eventually as we don't think skip one or two levels would help too much. Academically he is just way too advanced. The current focus is about social skills and mental/emotional development.

The school life has been extremely challenging so far. It's hard to describe here but it's mainly due to his extremely strong emotions. But our public school and the teacher is very good. They soon realized that he is highly gifted and have been trying to provide a lot of extra to satisfy his needs. Meanwhile he is learning to cope with the real world when things don't go his way.

The question is related to our plan to apply for DYS. We were hoping a DYS consultant could help the school and us on his educational planning, and etc. We want to take the test path because we don't know what a portfolio would look like for a 6 years old. How to demonstrate a kid's work 2 grades above his level? DS's handwriting is not good so I have no work pieces available. Video tape him solving a system of equations, explaining some specific chemical reactions, reading Hamlet, or describing a very large road map in his memory?