Originally Posted by utkallie
She goes to preschool two days a week but complains that other children do not want to play with her. I've seen her try to play with other children and it's awkward. The other kids always end up getting bored with her or just stand there looking lost. The preschool teacher even told me the other kids stand and stare at DD while she builds elaborate structures out of blocks.

I do need to search the keywords you mentioned. Is not sleeping a gifted trait by chance? DD requires little sleep which is driving us all nuts. She's non-stop!

Thank you for all your help. It's hard to find legitimate info about kids who are identified early on. Not to mention lonely.

OK - so the social picture you are painting suggests that it's worth a try to see how she does in a preschool classroom with kids who are one or two years older than her. Not a gaurentee, but certianly worth a trial.

Have you asked the preschool to give her a try in an older group?

Yes - some gifted kids sleep much less than others their same age - we have 2 groups -
1) Kids that just plain need less sleep, and
2) Kids that need just as much sleep, but kind of speed up when they are tired and so have trouble getting the full amount of sleep they need. So kids find it boring and uncomfortable to 'dull out' and wait for sleep.

It's sort of hard to tell the difference, unless you figure out how to get your kid to bed earlier for a few weeks and then say - "wow, she seems so much happier" not easy if you've got one who truely needs less sleep!

use sleep as a search term here and see!


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