There is no "comprehension" subtest on the DAS-II. The verbal subtests are most similar to WISC-IV Vocabulary and Similarities.
I have DAS-II results for my son that include Verbal Comprehension (
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....iguring_out_test_results.html#Post111517). Does that make more sense?
Wait, random googling shows that it has indeed nothing to do with what the WISC calls comprehension:
Comprehension: This subtest measures understanding of social conventions and common sense. It is also culturally loaded. Sample question: "What is the thing to do if you find an injured person laying on the sidewalk?"
Verbal Comprehension: Receptive language: understanding of oral instructions involving basic language concepts
And this test is normed up to 6:11??? OK, I am officially abandoning any hope of figuring this stuff out

. My son was 7:4 when the test was done
