Hi all again. One of the recommendations i was given in my introductory post was finding a mentor for my 7yr old son. This was also a recommendation by his psychologist who does his IQ testing as well.

After some tries at the colleges, i was able to convince a Chemistry and Mathematics professor to take our boy in. He will be doing an "apprenticeship" with our son on what a mathematician should be doing and thinking, he will also be "tutoring" him in Chemistry which our son has developed a strong interest in the last 6 months

Hopefully this will work out great for our boy since he will have an intellectual outlet with a "peer' who can answer and understand what he is thinking

Now the next big hurdle is finding a high school that will accept him come the fall after next. Hopefully his mento will assit in advocating for him as well.

DS9 - Starting 9th grade
DS7 - Starting 5th grade