Intparent...Yes. I am concerned that she still believes in Santa, when all her friends don't. I'm a bit surprised that she has taken this far, but I am ashamed that I played along and proved he existed year after year. She trusted us.
I am confused - I don't want to take it away from her. She is a very smart girl. I have such a hard time believing that she doesn't "know"....maybe she just still wants to play the game. I don't want to take that away from her, but the game is over if I tell her.
On the other hand, she is bothered that the kids at school are "choosing not to believe" and picking on her for "knowing the truth."
I specifically remember trying to figure out how somebody could travel at a speed that would basically have to be faster than the speed of light to accomplish the Santa task.

However, my parents were telling me that Santa was real, so I believed them. I'm thinking this was about 1st grade for me.
I recommend making sure that she knows it's not real. She could be playing with you.
Of course, if she's not playing with you she could react the way I did, which was with anger. I immediately informed my parents that I was going to tell my younger sisters. I was eventually talked out of it through being bribed with cookies, but it was overall, not a pleasant experience because of the trust issue. I was not happy with my parents.