...what to do when the desire of some for free speech allows speech that is offensive or attacking or perceived as attacking of others.
But free speech isn't just a nice desire that some people have. It's a fundamental part of our legal system and our society in general. I may not mince words when I post, but I don't attack people or deliberately try to offend them. Yet some people may feel that way, just like I feel that way sometimes (here or anywhere else). It's part of life.
I consider you to be a valuable member of this group. I don't think that you would actually disagree with anything I've said just now. You are showing a lot of promise in developing your own funny style of respectful disagreement - I'm proud of you.
Not speaking for Iucounu here, but you're writing a bit like you're his superior at work or his mom.

Do you see me that way too?
It's that I want us moving in the direction being here to serve.
I'm not sure that this is your call to make. You can't force others to share your own personal motivations and goals, any more than I can. Do I want to write messages that are helpful? Of course. Should anyone be allowed to dictate that this has to be a major focus of this forum governing "us" as a group? No.