There actually is a fairly well accepted connection between crawling, left/right integration and dyslexia (and the co-ordination to dance well actually). But how do you tell the difference between a kid that doesn't crawl because they can't and one who doesn't crawl because they are gifted and on a different trajectory? And that left/right integration can be improved in other ways. Swimming has helped my DD a lot.

Both my DH's and my own families, but especially his side have a history of long, slow bone development, late (SLOW & agonising) teething, etc. So I suspect some of the "late blooming" in his family is directly related to relative developmental immaturity for age. Because my girls are tall and either bright or gifted they don't look seem they are developing more slowly than average in any regard, but I suspect that they actually are at least physically developmentally slower than average. It will be interesting to see what happens with time.