Originally Posted by CAMom
College for all failed those kids. And thousands more around the country who can't even imagine student loans. If they decided at 28 to go to community college or to go back to school, they were prepared educationally and mentally to make those decisions. We certainly never said "you can't go to college". But we did say "Hey, you're really great with your hands- did you know an apprentice electrician can make $60K?"

Great story. And very true.

The "college for all" mantra is creating a permanent underclass because these people cannot find that first job that leads to personal growth.

It also harms us as a nation by hollowing out our trades professions.

Of course, it does benefit the colleges and admins because they do not have to compete for money with the trade schools.

I suspect this is why the "hatchet job" was tried on for-profit schools - which backfired BTW.

About half of my IT staff has two year or less certs. IMHO, I could have 90% with just certs.