Originally Posted by Beckee
What would success look like in a school where nearly every student is Black or Latino? Where 70% of the families that send their children to your school each day speak another language at home?

Like any other school.

Why is it that Asian communities are doing just fine? Just look at the Vietnamese Boat People or the current migration out of India and China to the US. Or the Nisei at the turn of the Century. Or the Jamaican experience in NYC. Or the Marielitos.

I think race is only a tangential question and overlooks the role of culture and the history of assimilation in the US.

In NYC at the turn of the century many kids from Europe spoke one language at home and another at school. The difference today is that the parents/culture at that time emphasized education whereas the Mexican/Black communities today look down on education. Kids who are geeks get beat up.

So, beginning from the beginning means that a "successful school" would start with intact families, then an emphasis on education and studying. Once these were in place, then a successful school would look like any other.

The dominant culture in most black communities revolve around sports. I go with my nephews to basketball tournaments in Texas. The non-blacks at the tournaments are less than 5% of the people present. I see no one in the family groups reading or otherwise studying.

I also go with friends to baseball tournaments. Its a pretty mixed crowd representing the demographics of the area as a whole. You will see siblings doing homework in the stands and lots of people with books.

Success in black culture means sports and maybe music, not founding companies or getting an education. You will need a sea change in culture and families to fix these communities.

Personally, I think intermarriage will change the communities long before the communities themselves alter their built-in biases to education.

What would success look like in a school where 75% of students are indigenous, and most of the teachers are considered foreigners or colonizers? Where sending your child to a school with better test scores is not practical?

Again it goes back to culture. Do you choose for your kids to study at night or shovel manure? Read a book or play outside? Work at the family business/chores or hang out with the other kids.

What does success look like for mentally retarded students or those with multiple disabilities?

Mentally challenged people or those with severe deficits are a special case and cannot be lumped in with normally functioning people.