Originally Posted by AntsyPants
Originally Posted by Pru
Don't forget that IQ test scores depend in large part upon what your child had for breakfast, what the tester had for breakfast, and what the test authors had for breakfast.
. Do I think DD could have scored differently if the wind blew a different direction or she ate her Wheaties. Not any amount that would matter. 5 points up or down? maybe, but i seriously doubt you are going to have a 160 kid with a hidden ailment (the often mentioned tummy ache or headache) or poor breakfast choice score a 130.

It happened to us but the opposite way, we already had the high score and then DS got a 103 fever and ear infection in the middle of another test. He had a cold, but it didn't seem that bad and then suddenly it was. We only have 3 test scores, 3 different tests, 2 he aced and one he bombed. And what was interesting was how he bombed, he obviously felt so badly that he couldn't mount any interest for the easy questions and then would get difficult ones correct. His tester told us how crazed it was making her, she actually felt better that he had been so sick because the results made no sense. It was almost a 30 point difference, but not across the board, just in the sections that he has to concentrate a teensy bit more, those scores dropped astonishingly. And his in person skills in no way support the really low score. This was at 4.5 years old. He wasn't really able to say mom I feel too badly to do my best here, and we were down playing what he was doing in the first place. So anecdotally, from our perspective it's not myth.
