There are many people that feel that grade skipping is easier in elementary. One of the main sticking points is once you start counting credits, it opens all kinds of worms.

My son is 8 and is radically accelerated. He's really little and weighs all of 40 lbs, so yes, he sticks out like a sore thumb.
In spite of that he loves it and is doing fine. The other kids seemed to forget about him after the first 2 weeks. I also found that his maturity level sees to mirror those he's surrounded by. He is in a small school that gives him what he needs regardless of what grade level is attached to it. This year, he will have (2)7th, an 8th, a 9th and a 10th grade class.

Would I recommend this path for your child? Not a chance. Only you can make that decision, because you are the only one that knows him. There are kids on here that score bigger numbers than my son, but couldn't have this kind of schedule. My son couldn't do this at any other school. We lucked into the perfect fit and I thank the gods of karma every day. If my experience is any indication you have to listen to your "mommy gut", make your choice and give it a try. Be open and flexible, backpedal as needed and try again.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!