I am brand new here and so glad to see this discussion.

We are looking at a possible grade skip for my 6 year old. He was a kindergartener in a K/1 class last year. His teacher had him doing all the first grade work last year, but he was still not challenged. All the classes at the school are multi-grade, so we would be looking at putting him in a 2nd/3rd grade class as a 2nd grader. It would definitely be a better fit for him academically, but I am concerned because he is one of the younger kids already (turned 6 in April) and is not the most mature. I skipped 5th grade when I was in school and it did become something of an issue for me by the end of middle/beginning of high school. I'm trying to remember that he is not me. I'm also wondering if grade acceleration is easier (socially) in the younger grades. Does anyone have any input or advice on that?

I won't even get into the fact that I have two more kids (a 4.5 year old and one year old) who are not going to give me an easier time in terms of finding appropriate school environments when their time comes. We considered trying to put my 4.5 year old in K this year, but he is at a great preschool where he is really happy and they go out of their way to accommodate him. So why mess with a good thing?

At any rate--it is refreshing to find others in similar situations.