Funniest experience we ever had with music: Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue" which ends with a string of bleeps on our CD. The song was apparently written by Shel Silverstein. I checked out a Shel Silverstein CD from the children's section of the library a few years back for my daughter. Later that evening she came running out and said, "Mom! Now I know what all the bleeping was in a Boy Named Sue". No bleeping in the Shel Silverstein version.... Oops.

Radio was the only music I ever heard until I went to college. Where I bought a CD containing a song that (on the radio) had cute little electronic noises at certain parts. Alas, not so on the CD!
DD and I like Gordon Ramsay's TV shows, and depending on the channel, they bleep more or less of the constant profanity. We were watching one on BBC America the other day, and they didn't bleep "ass." "Mom! Why didn't they bleep that word!?!" I explained that different stations had different thresholds. "You mean there are *worse* words than *that*!?!"