We try not to be flagrant but my husband and I both love music and it is hard to shelter from many different types of words. Cee-Lo's clean version of his hit was completely lost on her as in passing she heard one line of the real version. She adores Lady Gaga and listens to her non-stop. The only songs that have caused questions are "Government Hooker" and the "Disco Stick" song. I told her I don't want her listening to them because they are inappropriate and she understands why. It's hard to explain sexual inappropriateness to someone who barely understands sex, but we do our best. She doesn't curse and she doesn't share our discussions or the inappropriate things she comes across with her friends. I'm not going to freak about music, especially Gaga, as I see how it inspires her. She gets teased a lot for her speech (articulation challenges) and "Born This Way" and "Bad Kids" give her a lot of solace.