I don't know. So far, it's a battle just to keep rap out of the house, since it seems to have seeped into all the cartoons and everything. I just let them have one of my CDs in their players at bedtime, and there isn't any rap in there. There is a fair amount of stuff that other parents might consider inappropriate, which I thought about when DS8 wanted to take Jimmy Buffett and Devo to school for his class to listen to at writing time. Teacher said she had a good handle on Buffett and Devo and it was ok.

And then there's Meatloaf, which I had to consider on the trip to Denver for DI when I found myself watching two neighbor boys absorbing the lyrics to "Paradise by the Dashboard Light". Umm yeah anyway.
But mostly they choose (DD) Tanya Tucker, Lorrie Morgan, Loretta Lynn, and (DS) Don McLean, Gordon Lightfoot, CW McCall, Fleetwood Mac (what is it about Fleetwood Mac in this thread, anyway?) and the aforementioned classics. There is hope.