I have three highly gifted children who are all quite different. All my children attended an Independent K-8 gifted elementary school when we found out our public elementary school system was unable to service their needs. Our oldest will be a senior at our local public high school and is absolutely thriving. Our middle son was a Freshman last year at the same public high school. He appeared to be thriving the first semester but ended up having a complete breakdown in the middle of the second semester. I feel this was due to his extreme perfectionism and he absolutely, completely, shut down. This was in February. He was unable able regroup and finish out the semester. I'm uncertain whether he will be able to rejoin his class at the public school for more reasons than I can list in my first post. He is basically "stuck" emotionally. Does anyone know of any Boarding schools that cater to children who are gifted...with perfectionistic tendencies with no behavioral problems or chemical dependency issues? It seems that all the schools I find are either "academic pressure cookers" or schools that service children with extreme behavior, chemical dependency issues.