Our ds11 just learned to ride a bike this weekend; coordination is a more conscious effort for him than what I see with our dd5. Part of the reason we've kept him in dance class as long as he's willing.
Seriously, I thought dd was going to learn to bike before him.

Tying shoes I completely left up to him, as he didn't seem to care and was ok with velcro shoes. He just sat down one day at age 7, without any recent instruction and tied his shoes, and hasn't looked back. Quite a relief as I had figured it would be a while...

For our ds it seems like a combination of coordination and seeing that there might be a point to learning something (motivation) before he can progress. He was invited on vacation by a friend and found out they do a lot of biking, so really put a lot into it this weekend, despite the heat and the frustration. It was pretty cool.

Congrats to your ds for a milestone achieved!

Last edited by chris1234; 07/12/11 02:50 PM.