You could go to some imaginery excercises for comfort before bed. Go walk thru a beautiful garden, does your child want to name the garden? you may take time and pick some flowers,what kind or colors do you imagine? and notice butterflies. Walk thru the gate and cross the bridge, When you see the worry tree go sit in it's branches. YOu may look out into the garden. do you see any rabbits? IF you have any worries you can tell the tree. His branches are there to comfort you. Do you feel the sunshine? the warm breeze is nice, When you are done you may either leave your worries behind or take them with you.

YOu can lead the child a bit and let them make the story their own. Nature can be very healing. You could talk about how a walk in the woods make you feel good.

Hope this helps. Writing and talking about his issues will help. Yoga may also help.

Last edited by onthegomom; 07/08/11 07:50 AM.