I have gone through some old posts about death and was just looking to the board for some reassurance. Our DS8 has been really worrying about death/dying over the last few months to the point that he dreads going to sleep at night because he said he can't shut his brain off and his brain tends to start thinking about death. He will start getting anxious around dinner time knowing that bedtime is not too far away. we have been going to a therapist for a little bit to help him with his fear but it has not really seemed to help him. We have tried talking with him but I think we are worried that if we give too much or too little information it will make his anxiety worse. We told our family about this in hopes that maybe someone would have a suggestion and they were confused as to why an 8 year old was even thinking about death. I would love any suggestions, if your child went through this kind of situation?? Thanks!