I agree that if your DD can handle the full day, then the GT charter school sounds good.

But I want to *stress* that I think that's a *BIG* "if"!

My DS had half-day K at 5yo. He didn't hit full-day school until 6. Now granted, he was bored silly in 1st grade, and he's an introvert so all that time with people was pretty wearing on him. But even if he hadn't been bored, I think it was inevitable that it would be a very, VERY long day for him. And he was 6!

Consider the public school half-day program if your DD would be worn out by the full-day AND if the public school half-day program is NOT highly academic. A half-day of mostly play can be better than an exhausting full-day.

Last edited by Kriston; 03/06/08 06:33 PM. Reason: I thought the fact that he's an introvert might be relevant.
