Originally Posted by kalhuli
Then we discovered we were in the wrong room. The toddler room (ages 2-3.5) is smaller, has very few 'interesting' toys and has a lot of wooden puzzles, the kind my son played with a year or more ago. There was one child there when we got there and there was NO interaction between the 2. After about 10 mins., DS asked to go home.

hmmm. I could have written this post- this is what happened with my LO too- he was in a room that was developmenatlly inappropriate for where he was cognitively, socially, motorically. Nick was upset that there were only board books, easy puzzles, no kids who could carry a conversation in the toddler room. The daycare staff didn't have him long enough to figure out he was gifted and that was the source of his angst. I pulled him out after a week.
They never offered to move him up into the preschooler room even when I described his skills which were more on par with the older kids. A bad fit all the way around.

sigh. it can be a dilemma- but perhaps they would let him be in the older kids' room, or maybe there is a place with a more open plan for the kids of different ages/skills to mix more??
