2 years is a very crucial age - it sets the stage for how they learn later.
My oldest son at the age of 2 one day on the way to a play-date with other 2 and 3 year olds asked me "can they talk?"
When we visited the school we eventually settled on he was so excited to learn that other children can also count.
My current 2 year old will not hang with 2 year olds. he just won't.
also bear in mind that typical 2 year-olds do not play with other children - it's still parallel play until they start just taking things from each other as they work out the "it's mine" thing. kids who seek out older kids already at age 2 will usually already engage in imaginative and fully co-operational play, thus making them a bad fit from the word go.
Try and get him into at least the 3 year old class.