When speaking to the LEA last year about options for my daughter, the supposed G&T lead said that maybe they would want IQ testing as 'proof'. We decided that if she were to be tested it should be by someone knowledgeable about gifted children. We didn't do anything for a while, but recently decided to do it privately. the LEA doesn't know yet. We don't quite know what to do with it now?

I don't know that it will make a lot of difference. The school have already said that maybe she could be put up a year. I don't see the point as she would still not be challenged academically and she would move out of a group in which she does have friends. She is probably mildy dyspraxic too(?) and her organisational skills are not that great. Difficult. I would like her to be subject accelerated in at least some subjects. Total acceleration is very rare in the UK. Maybe if it was more normal we would consider it.

My daughter does have an IEP, on paper(!), but usually not followed as it is too difficult for the teacher and (apart from the kind and interested high school head) there seems to be no money to support anything else.

It sounds like your daughter's achievements are much more extreme than my daughter's too - where would you be moving to?