I'm sorry guys--I didn't mean to poo poo homeschooling in any way. I think it's well documented in literature that the best fit for PG kids is homeschool or hybrid ed environment (hybrid meaning maybe some college course, some home, maybe a mentor, etc.). I was trying to be conciliatory (is that the right word?) if questions wasn't able to do it (for financial or other reasons) saying public schooling hasn't been all bad--that while some time has been wasted, some situations less than optimal, it's worked out ok for me/my kiddos. And I guess I have been naiive about what it would entail (thinking it'd be solitary). Clearly the homeschoolers on this board are motivated and effective in finding the right resources, support groups, and taking advantage of the free time. I know some of the homeschoolers in town and there are at least 2 PG kids in that group (the kids used to be in the PEGS class). I read of another homeschool family here whose son scored perfect on ACT/SAT; his sisters would participate in tons of music & dance competititions all over the SW and win--they're amazing young ladies. I admire those parents who take homeschooling on and do it well.