Originally Posted by questions
To DH's credit, he has asked if maybe we should move, as DS is missing out on his childhood. And it was DH who suggested homeschooling so that at least DS would be happy. I can't tell you how huge a turnaround this is in DH's thinking...

That is exactly where DH is at. At the beginning of the year he was totally opposted to homeschooling and had wonderful fantasies of me returning to work full time and brining home a HUGE salary. crazy Now he is even hinting out in public that this is what we *need* to do for DS. And is secretly plotting to go south for a month next winter. He has the ability to work remotely.

DH just tends to be very conservative about a major move like this and comes around to my way of thinking eventually, but very slowly! He'll be volunteering to be in charge of science in 6 months or so. wink