Originally Posted by onthegomom
Originally Posted by Ametrine
[My dad is highly intelligent (I don't know if he's gifted, or what his IQ is, but he is a lot like ds.) I suppose I was hoping for more information from him...maybe some sharing on his part about what he was like at ds' age.

Dad has always been "distant" and uninterested in my siblings and me. I don't know if he's proud of me or not.

It's likely I'm looking for parental approval by even sharing with him what his grandson is up to, since he never asks. I'm sufficiently self-aware to realize I had hoped we could "connect" over a grandson that I thought he would see himself in.

How old is your child?

Does your Dad do email? Sending updates and pictures of your family might encourage him.

Maybe you could look for a learning connection. Does your Dad have any passions?

Some school projects helped make some very nice interactions with our relatives. Maybe you could try something like a Flat Stanley or geneology study. Does your Dad play Chess they could do that online together. If you encourage their relationship, your Dad will see DCs special gifts on his own.

My son is a bit under four and a half.

I've been keeping in touch with dad mostly by email and send him updates, but sometimes I don't get a response back, or he will respond with a "Heh" and then talk about his cat. laugh I do see the humor in this.

Funny you mentioned the Flat Stanley book. I just got ds that one yesterday and have yet to read it. Is there projects to do with it?

You've given me an idea. I think I'll take ds over there with a snap kit one Saturday and see if dad will be interested in working it with him.
