I completely understand! DS 5 sometimes drives me up the wall because all he wants to do is work on his projects. I feel like I am always rushing him to do his "chores" and his school work. Last week he spent all his time making an incubator for his friend's birthday and I was so glad when he finished it but now this week he has decided to write a book about electricity. It is all he talks about and wants to read about. He's in a fantastic school where they are really challenging and his teacher understands him but he still needs to do the homework (she says he doesn't but I think he should). It is like pulling teeth once he has an idea in his mind he just doesn't want to do anything else. His teacher did help him find electricity books at school today and had his friends watch a video on it so they would have a better understanding of what he was working on. He then got to write some his book during writing time. I think having this type of teacher has made things better for us here at home but weekend still drive me crazy especially when we have other things to do!