I have no idea how many people submit portfolios. Also, I was never able to pin down before how often they reject applicants with qualifying scores, if ever. I am guessing from what I've read that in general they cast a pretty wide net, but what do I know? I vacillate between feeling like DS is a shoo-in, and feeling like we have no chance. But I'm a nervous freak.

I have seen plenty of portfolio applications get accepted, but also some that are rejected. Having a portfolio is one of the basic criteria, even though obviously subjective, no? And I can see how a portfolio could be stronger than test scores, e.g. a 3-year-old demonstrating her working time machine or something. laugh Some of the portfolio entries might happen because someone qualified only on IQ or achievement even though they also tested the other-- but there seems to be a fairly common bunch that use a portfolio because they don't want to spend the money on another round of testing and just have the one type of results, for example because a school system only administered achievement testing.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick