My son has been taking Omega 3-6-9 for months now and I don't see any difference in his hypotonia, but his timing and coordination got better. For the last year or so he has been learning dances in musical theater as fast as the other kids even though he had to sit and watch the dances part of the time.

He started physical therapy a few weeks ago. The physical therapists my son saw over a year ago before he started wearing a scoliosis brace gave him the same exercises they gave almost everyone else and didn't watch him to make sure he was doing the exercises correctly. I couldn't see that it did my son any good after six weeks and we stopped going and he did some exercises at home using our weight machine. He also had a chin-up bar in his room and could do a few of those before he was put in the brace. He can't do those things now. When he got his scoliosis brace we told the doctor that he was not in PT. He showed my son a few exercises to do at home but even with those exercises, wearing a brace all day caused my son's core muscles to become much weaker. His orthotist found us a physical therapist that seems to know a lot more about my son's condition and I am very pleased with the therapy but our co-pays are about $100 a month. The physical therapist is not telling us that the therapy will work miracles and that he won't be in pain. He says pain goes along with my son's condition, but he gave my son some stretching exercises that help a little. He also told us that everyone can gain strength but the amount of strength my son will gain might not be the same as someone who does not have hypotonia.

I recently asked my son's writing composition teacher for accommodations for the test after she said there would be 13 questions requiring a minimum of three written sentences each and I knew there was no way my son could do that amount of writing in one hour. I also sent her a link that I think helped me explain what living with hypotonia is like.

The writing comp teacher said she would allow my son to type his answers on his iPhone in class and email it to her at the end of class which is what my son suggested we do.