I know I posted this **somewhere** but I don't know where:^)

I know how to write measurable objectives and goals for disabilities, but I have NO clue how to do so for giftedness. I have the state gifted director on my side and she says the district **must** address the giftedness in the IEP. I even have that in writing from her!!!!

So, what things should I ask for in the IEP and how can I make them measurable?

For example, for the graphomotor dyspraxia (dysgraphia), we might have a measurable objective like this.....

PLOP (present level of performance) on the Fine Motor Development Scale, Mite scored at 4 years 11 months for right handed skills.


1. When given a piece of paper and a pattern to copy, Mite will be able to copy the pattern without deviation

2. When given a maze for age level 9 years Mite will be able to follow the maze without deviating from the path or crossing over lines.


When given the Fine Motor Skills scale in May 2007, Mite will score at 9 years 4 months.


How do we do that for the gifted areas that have been neglected in the classroom?

Willa Gayle