I don't want her to have to rush. And I use the word again. Rush.
I do want her to enjoy being a child as long as possible.
I don't see why
grade skipping = rush. Just because you finish high school when you're say, 16, doesn't mean that you have to go straight to college. Here are options we've tossed out to my eldest:
* Do a year overseas via AFS or one of the other programs for teenagers. Learn a new language or improve the one you already speak! Meet new people! Have fun!
* Get an exotic internship (
e.g. marine biology on Andros Island in the Bahamas).
* Focus on that sport/that instrument/your art/whatever.
* Get a part-time job and attend a local community college part-time. Take cool courses that you might not have time for when you're in a four-year college (Ceramics! Astronomy! Biotechnology! History of western Africa!). You might discover that you
really want to major in astronomy instead of going the pre-law route.
* Thinking of med school? Do an EMT course and spend some time in an ER and on an ambulance.
* All or some of the above.
To DH and I (and our son) this stuff sounds great and is a universe away from "rushing." For us, it's anti-rushing.