I once sat in a meeting and said this is the situation to the people in charge. The other guy, said, that is not true. The boss knew me and asked again. I said, that if you believe him, I want off the project and no responsibility for the result. They went with him, and in 3 months came back to me carte blanche to fix it. And then after it was done, I was gone because I was a reminder of the mistaken choice they made and I was vocal about it above these guys. I fixed the problem, as best as it could be fixed but it was too far gone and a mess.
Typical of the workplace your children will face from the in the box average guy.
I wonder: was your workplace problem due to acceleration or was it due to the fact that you don't think the way that other people think? To me, this story seems so typical of
just being different.
I've been in situations like that: the problem is obvious, the solution is obvious, but only me or maybe two of us can see that. No one else is interested, and the group is going to approach the problem the way it has in the past. You try to explain what's wrong and how to fix it and you end up in trouble.
High intelligence means that you don't think like other people (I mean the general
you here, not just YOU, Wren.

). A person is born that way, and I don't think that something like acceleration can change the fundamental way that his/her thought patterns form in a situation like this. You can lower your expectations and/or stay quiet or go along with the group, but that won't change what's going on inside your head or make you any happier. Added: and more me at least, it's frustrating feeling as though I could help improve something, but get rebuffed.
It's such a hard and horrible problem. Humans are social animals and we tend to want to fit in when we're in groups. So when someone who thinks differently expresses an opinion or operates in a way that's very different from the group's, I expect it's hard for the group to get that person as it is for the person to get the group. Creative people and arty types probably face this same issue because they think differently too.
I have to stop now; more later I hope.