I didn't back to this and where I was posting seems divergent from current posts.
The Fed is lending money to the banks at 0%, remember our near collapse in 2008 where they made them take the bailout money? But then they never lent the money to Main Street?
Hence the brokers have 0% loans where they can make money. Hence, why there is so much money still to be made, though investment banking is way down, trading is way down (volume is very thin).
Ed Schultz said it well on an ad for his show. The bottom 95% are paying for the top 5%. Although there is a great case to go after Goldman Sachs since they profited from the money we gave to AIG to hold it up but neither party will go after the guys that donate money to campaigns. That last was from Spitzer.
I do not think American is going to disappear,neither England, France or Spain disappeared after they peaked in power. But there are less options in those countries after the peak.
And if China is not a super power, perhaps my own native country, Canada will emerge

They do have a great number of resources, fresh water for half the earth and only 30 million people. I vote for Canada. Good thing I got DD Canadian citizenship when she was born.