Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Cathy - unfortunately, most of DS4's recent doc appointments have been the very unpleasant kind due to his many allergies and recent asthma diagnosis. He still doesn't trust me since he had his skin pokes for allergy testing. (I told him there would be no shots, just pokes. Afterwards he said "mom you lied. Pokes are just as bad as shots.) So it's just bad timing for "testing" right now!

Incidentally, I read somewhere that gifted kids tend to have more allergies. Does that even seem possible? Weird.

I have also read about the connection between allergies/asthma and GT. I don't know if it's true, but both of my DD's have asthma and environmental allergies.

DD9 had skin tests when she was 3 or 4, and she reacted much the same way. She sees that same doctor every 6 months now, and she doesn't like to go becaue she remembers the awful testing experience.

I hope this kind of testing goes much better for you!