Hi - My DS, who just turned 4 in January, will be taking the SB5 in a couple of weeks (with an evaluator who is a specialist with gifted/highly gifted). We want to do this so we can know if we should seek early kindergarten, or otherwise. Anyway, I'm not asking about what kinds of questions there will be, I'm asking about how to prepare a kid who is wary of new situations. I am concerned because DS4 will be in a different room for the test, and he hasn't been alone with strangers. Ever! The evaluator gave some basic recommendations, such as "don't tell him it's a game; tell him we're learning more about how his brain works." I've shown him a picture of the evaluator and try to talk to him about it every couple of days. I've given him the bribe of "we'll be in Big City, and we can go eat lunch wherever you want, and go somewhere fun afterwards." But no matter how much I tell him it's not a test at the doctor's, I know he keeps thinking there will be shots (he recently had to have shots and allergy skin pokes).

Also, he had a (very) basic pre-K screening a while ago, and had a lot of fun with the part where they put out an object and asked him to describe it, and stack blocks, and counting etc. I told him the test might be kind of like that pre-k screening stuff, so he should have fun. But he keeps telling me he won't answer any questions.

Sorry this is so long. Any tips? Thank you!